‘TOUCHED,  Performance

This performance is a combination of Hyeji Nam’s original dance performance “TOUCHED-techno flesh”, with her sound piece"pleasing harmony" where she uses AI generated sounds as the core material. In this integrative performance titled “TOUCHED 2-pleasing harmony," Hyeji Nam orchestrates a mixture of flesh-inspired poetic gestures, sound experimentation, and the performative use of artificial intelligence in music. Anchored in the rhythmic foundation of 4-to-the-floor beats, the piece explores the rich intersection of music technology and the innate mechanisms of the human body.

This performance uniquely combines pleasing harmonies and dissonances generated by AI, triggered by the tactile interaction of Nam's flesh and her vocalizations. These sonic elements, encompassing both unidentified voices and Nam's own, are intricately woven together, underscoring the artist's role as a live conductor. Using her body and movement, she navigates through space, her energy guiding to produce sounds that harmonize, diverge, and reconvene in unexpected ways.

CLUB LIASON, Gwangju Biennale, Austrian Pavilion,  2024 

Lee Kang Ha Art Museum, Gwangju, South Korea 
Gwangju Biennale, Austrian Pavilion, 2024 


Photo by Gabjoo Ahn 

Performance as part of CLUB LIAISON, an exhibition space of Liesl Raff, performance program curated by Carolina Nöbauer.